As I read through Paul's letter to a thriving church and I studied his "how to" in living a holy life, I brought back to the simplicity of it all. (It always is). Here it is, I'll summarize:
- Stop being sexually immoral and control your body in a way that is holy.
- Live a holy life, not an impure one.
- Love others even more than you already do.
- Live quietly, work with your hands.
- Live a sober life, putting on faith & love as a breastplate and hope of salvation as a helmet.
- Encourage and build one another up.
- Don't pay back evil with evil.
- Rejoice all the time.
- Pray all the time.
- Thank God all the time.
Seems pretty simple huh? I am convicted by the fact that I tend to over-complicate or over-think how I am to live a life according to the One True God. I am a thinker. I think more than I should perhaps. Most of us do. But here, Paul is telling a young church who took grasp of the Gospel, who left their idol-worshiping days behind and began living the holy life. I am convinced the Holy Spirit pierced their hearts, made it clean. He gave them a new start. A fresh beginning to live the holy life. I am in need of that too. A piercing of the heart, a clean heart. And thus miraculously I as drove away from the coffee shop where I was reading, my iPod played Jon Foreman's "White As Snow." Here's what Jon wrote:
Have mercy on me, O God
According to Your unfailing love
According to Your great compassion
Blot out my transgressions
Would you create in me a clean heart O God?
Restore in me the joy of Your salvation
Would you create in me a clean heart O God?
Restore in me the joy of Your salvation
The sacrifices of our God are a broken and a contrite heart
Against You and You alone have I sinned
The sacrifices of our God are a broken and a contrite heart
Against You and You alone have I sinned
Would you create in me a clean heart O God?
Restore in me the joy of Your salvation
Would you create in me a clean heart O God?
Restore in me the joy of my salvation
Wash me white as snow
I will be made whole
Wash me white as snow
I will be made whole
Wash me white as snow
And I will be made whole
Wash me white as snow
According to Your unfailing love
According to Your great compassion
Blot out my transgressions
Would you create in me a clean heart O God?
Restore in me the joy of Your salvation
Would you create in me a clean heart O God?
Restore in me the joy of Your salvation
The sacrifices of our God are a broken and a contrite heart
Against You and You alone have I sinned
The sacrifices of our God are a broken and a contrite heart
Against You and You alone have I sinned
Would you create in me a clean heart O God?
Restore in me the joy of Your salvation
Would you create in me a clean heart O God?
Restore in me the joy of my salvation
Wash me white as snow
I will be made whole
Wash me white as snow
I will be made whole
Wash me white as snow
And I will be made whole
Wash me white as snow
I love the simplistic brilliance of this song. Of course we all thank the Psalmist of 51:10 giving us those words.
As the church of Thessalonica had questions about Jesus' second coming, they knew they had to prepare for it by living a holy life. We too have questions, but we at least know how to live. Let's begin today.
As the church of Thessalonica had questions about Jesus' second coming, they knew they had to prepare for it by living a holy life. We too have questions, but we at least know how to live. Let's begin today.