Thursday, February 21, 2008

Finding Strength in the Ordinary Days

Lately I've been discussing with Dan the spiritual disciplines. We're both reading "The Spiritual Discipline's" by Dallas Willard (actually he already finished, i'm still reading) and the book has been rocking our world's. It's awesome. Many discussion have been brought up regarding doing the discipines yet still feeling ordinary, or not feeling much from them. I am the first to admit my need for more discipline, I need it desperately. Dan has taken enormous steps in this and I am so proud of him for his discipline; truly leading by example. But it's those days that still feel ordinary, like God isn't "doing" much in our hearts or in our sphere, that is unsettling in our hearts. If and when we partake in the disciplines that Jesus did, do we think something magical is going to happen, like a sudden holiness? As we take our time to pray, read, be in solitude, fast, let us approach it all with a pure heart...

I re-read a great devotional from my favorite, Oswald Chambers, tonight that really hit me. It's sums up this idea quite well. Though I have not gone in to great deal on this topic, let us just soak up what Dr. Chambers had to say:

"We have the idea that God is going to do some exceptional thing, that He is preparing and fitting us for some extraordinary thing by and bye, but as we go on in grace we find that God is glorifying Himself here and now, in the present minute. If we have God's say-so behind us, the most amazing strength comes, and we learn to sing in the ordinary days and ways." -My Utmost For His Highest


dparkins said...

Hey brother, thanks for the post...i love it and was moved by it. not to be cheesy but this hits home for me...good ol' Chambers. I also gave a shout at to this blog in mine...gotta update you on life too brother...

LiverofGod said...

dude, you haven't written in a week almost...what's up with that?!!!!!