Monday, March 31, 2008

Here I Am, Send Me

I've heard this phrase a lot lately. Actually in a couple songs. Great songs at that. We sing these words, think or pray them even...but can we grasp what they mean? I surely struggle with that fact that if I do pray them or admit that I am 'ready' to be sent, I actually don't feel ready at all.

Isaiah heard from the Lord "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" After having his sin purged he proclaimed those famous words. As soon as he did the Lord told him to go speak to the people. (chapter 6:6-9)

If we ask the Lord to send us, are we ready to speak to the people?

And being sent, do you imagine it being a far off place? Is it over-seas or across country? Sometimes I wish it were. Sometimes I wish I would hear God say "Are you ready Jeff, I'm sending you to West Africa. The place you want to go." But honestly, that's not how God works. I think when we ask God to send us, it very well could be where we already are. "Send me to the lost, or the sick or frail," we pray to God. Well for most of us, let's look inside our workplace. For me that is as far as I have to go, work.

At this point let me share some lyrics from Dustin Kensrue, lead singer of my favorite band Thrice. The song is called: The Messenger.

Mark me with fear and trembling, send someone else instead.
I know my world is ending; I can't repay my debt.
How can I carry such a heavy burden?
How can I move when I am paralyzed?

I see a fire behind a heavy curtain.
I lean in closer & I close my eyes & kiss the coals, breathe in smoke & I say

"Here I am, send me."

Lifts my soul, free & so unafraid.
Mark me with fire and send me among the living dead.
They cannot comprehend me, I watch the sickness spread.

How can they hear me when their hearts are hardened?
How can they see me when they close their eyes?
So then can tell me I'm an easy target.
A wooden saw is quite a way to die.

Kiss the coals; breathe in smoke. And I say:
"Here I Am, Send Me."

Sometimes I think this: how can they hear me, when the world has hardened their hearts? I work everyday with college students who are lost, they see no direction in life. Literally. They go to school with no means to an end. They're underage and yet they love to binge drink because everyone else does it. Or they surf everyday because they don't like school and hate their classes. Well I could go on, but for me when I ask to "Send me Lord" I am convicted that I have to look at where I am. But of course God can grant the desires of our hearts, and Leanna and I would love to serve in Africa someday. But He has us here now. This is where we are "sent."

I think the crux of this is what happened to Isaiah before he uttered those words. We should focus on this: his sins were purged. They were removed, atoned for, wiped out. He was clean before being sent. Think about that. Whoa.

Before we sing "Here I am Lord, Send Me," let us take a knee (or two) and ask for forgiveness. Ask God to purge your sin. Then as we model Isaiah, let as ask God to send us where He will...

I pray our hearts respond...


SierraSojourner said...

Hey, you forgot to mention the One Bad Pig song!!!!!!!

LiverofGod said...

Sweet, thanks for writing this. This is a good reminder of the simple fact that often we always try to look for the "next thing" or future for our lives. We think that we are not relevant where we are at, in a limbo awaiting the "game" where we finally are "important." Yet the reality resides in the "doing everything for the glory of God," the focusing on the eternal in the here and now, where we are at.

You are and have always been a great example of this to me. Sure, God may have you in Africa reaching the lost there some day. But he also has you here and now, in a coffee shop, reaching the lost here...not some day but today.

I love the reality of God's Kingdom in the here and the present.

Joel Hosler said...

You guys are lucky. I asked God to take me where He wanted and I ended up in the stinkin desert... You guys are in SD.... HEllo.... jk
I love you guys... But this is a good reminder for me. I think sometimes back at Noise Ratchet and how big we were in SD and I think I have this awesome gift of writing and leading worship and I want to be a recording Worship Leader and Tour churches across the world, but I am in the STINKING DESERT...

Lord forgive me for my pride, and use me here where you have me...



LiverofGod said...

Yes, pride is screaming at me for similar things with writing and speaking. That's why I wrote "dominos" on my blog. I am trying to submit to that...

Love you JoJo...